Leadership and Management Masterclass

Sharm Al-sheikh Sharm Alsheikh, Egypt

INTRODUCTION This Leadership and Management Masterclass is a comprehensive development training course that addresses the key skills, qualities and attributes of both Leadership and Management. This Leadership and Management training course will cover all aspects of leadership and management with […]

KD 1,650.00

Train the Trainer

Cairo Cairo, Egypt

OBJECTIVES • Develop a training lesson geared to the learning needs of adults. • Conduct training using the training lesson they developed. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This workshop is designed for people who are occasionally called upon to develop and Conduct […]

KD 1400

Risk Management, Control & Compliance

London London, London, United Kingdom

NTRODUCTION This Risk Management, Control and Compliance training course will enable you to deal with one of the most difficult challenges in 21st century management. Evaluating the range of available risk management techniques and choosing the most appropriate action in […]

KD 1,950.00

Healthcare Hazard Control and Safety Management

Rome Rome, Italy

INTRODUCTION Health and Safety within the Healthcare sector can too often become a balancing act between providing top-quality care to your patients while ensuring the health and safety of your employees and others. This doesn’t need to be a choice […]

KD 1950

Budgeting, Planning & Financial Reporting Masterclass

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

NTRODUCTION Budgeting, Planning & Financial Reporting Masterclass training course is focused on some of the most important elements key to attaining organizational excellence and creating real business value. Most companies recognize that the profitable growth that drives business value can […]

KD 1,600.00

Advanced Health & Safety Management

München München, Germany

introduction his Advanced Health & Safety Management training course is based upon Successful Health and Safety Management produced by the UK's Health and Safety Executive. It will provide you with everything you need to develop and sustain a genuinely successful […]

KD 1950

Safety in Process Equipment Design & Operation

Madrid Madrid, Spain

Introduction This Safety in Process Equipment Design & Operation training course provides an overview of important elements of process safety as they are often encountered in today’s industrial practice. The emphasis is on engineering design aspects of Process Safety Management […]

KD 1,950.00

Certificate in Treasury and Cash Management

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This course aims to increase participants' proficiency in Treasury and Cash Management principles and practices. It is directed toward professionals seeking insights into practical, real-life concepts. It allows them to manage financial activities efficiently, treat risks proactively, and make informed decisions based […]

KD 1,650.00

Contractor Safety Management

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Course Overview Organizations have a legal obligation to manage and maintain the health and safety of their contractors and any other stakeholders who could be impacted by the processes of the company. Contractors also have responsibilities to make sure that […]

KD 1,600.00

Compensation Packages & Salary Structures

Istanbul Istanbul, Turkey

INTRODUCTION Successful management and motivation of employees is clearly linked to employee reward systems. There is much correlation between organizational success and effective reward systems, demonstrating that how employees are rewarded should be linked directly to their overall value to […]

KD 1600

Advanced Human Resources Management

Cairo Cairo, Egypt

OBJECTIVES • Define human resources and their main functions. • Define the link between business strategies and Human Resources. • Learn the reasons behind employee turnover and the main tools and techniques for improving employee job satisfaction and retention. • […]

KD 1400

Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Introduction Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems training seminar will explore the various types of static and dynamic UPS’. Power outages are detrimental to the electrical network and installation systems. Thus, efficient uninterruptible power supply systems are needed to ensure their security, […]

KD 1,600.00