Financial Planning and Analysis

Singapore Singapore, Singapore

NTRODUCTION Corporate Financial Planning, Budgeting & Control training course is designed to enable delegates to make corporate financial decisions in an increasingly volatile international marketplace with the view to increase profitability, maintain liquidity and reduce financial risk is a challenge […]

KD 1950

Production Quality and Process Troubleshooting

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Objectives Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on production management Explain theory behind operation skills Discuss the different types of pressure & temperature, flow & level, pipes, insulation & associated equipment, valves, solenoids, actuators, prime movers, pumps, strainers, compressors, etc. […]

KD 1,650.00

Water Treatment Process and Water Operations

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Introduction: Water treatment in our everyday lives and industry costs billions every year. This water treatment course will focus on the optimization of water treatment in different applications. Choosing the right water treatment technique or simply choosing no water treatment […]

KD 1,650.00

Best Practices for Energy Storage Deployment

London London, London, United Kingdom

introduction Energy storage deployment and sustainability will be the new paradigms that are expanding exponentially worldwide. Energy Storage System (ESS) is a game-changing technology that can store energy for later use. ESS addresses solar and wind power intermittencies and enhances […]

KD 1950

Managing the Training & Development Function

Cairo Cairo, Egypt

OBJECTIVES • Have acquired insight into modern concepts in Human Resource Development and the impact of such concepts on the role of a Training Manager • Understand how to contribute more effectively to staff and organizational development • Adopt different […]

KD 1400

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Master Class

Cairo Cairo, Egypt

INTRODUCTION The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Master class, offered, is designed to develop the essential skills necessary for attendees to understand how to support their companies in anti-money laundering and countering terrorist finance. This intensive and efficient training course will […]

KD 1400

صياغة العقود و تجنب و حل النزاعات التعاقدية

Sharm Al-sheikh Sharm Alsheikh, Egypt

المقدمة لا تقتصر صياغة العقود على ضبط المصطلحات و العبارات و الجوانب اللغوية فقط كما يعتقد الكثيرين بينما يترتب تحت مسمى الصياغة اشياء عديدة منها البنود الأساسية, الاجراءات المسبقة و مدى توافقها و مطابقتها لأحكام القانون, التطهير من المخالفات التي […]

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إدارة المناقصات والمواصفات والعقود

Sharm Al-sheikh Sharm Alsheikh, Egypt

المقدمة ان نجاح واستمرارية المؤسسات والمنظمات، بغض النظر عما إذا كانت تنتمي إلى القطاع العام أو الخاص، يعتمد على نطاق واسع من السلع والخدمات. هناك دراسات مالية توضح أن أكثر من 60٪ من ميزانيات المؤسسات تذهب لصالح مشترياتها من السلع […]

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Root Cause Analysis Tools for Technical Applications

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Course Overview Root cause analysis (RCA) is a systematic process for identifying the origins of problems and determining an approach for permanently resolving issues. RCA focuses on understanding why a problem or failure occurred. This course is scalable across all […]

KD 1,600.00

Budgeting, Planning & Financial Reporting Masterclass

London London, London, United Kingdom

NTRODUCTION Budgeting, Planning & Financial Reporting Masterclass training course is focused on some of the most important elements key to attaining organizational excellence and creating real business value. Most companies recognize that the profitable growth that drives business value can […]

KD 1950

Fundamentals of Decarbonisation

Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Introduction This Fundamentals of Decarbonisation training course presents comprehensive training on decreasing carbon emissions. Decarbonisation is the essential road to keep the planet from warming more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Most nations aim to achieve net zero by 2050. […]

KD 1,600.00

الرقابة القانونية على تنفيذ العقود

Sharm Al-sheikh Sharm Alsheikh, Egypt

المقدمة تعتبر سلطة الرقابة على تنفيذ العقد من أولى السلطات التي تتمتع بها جهة الإدارة المتعاقدة لتنفيذ المتعاقد معها لإلتزاماته وذلك للتحقق من أن تتفيذ العقد يتم طبقاً للشروط الموضوعة لها. وإن من حق الإدارة في مراقبة التنفيذ والتأكد من […]

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